Talk Topic:

How to attract more women

Companies who are ranked in the bottom 25% for their gender parity are also more likely to yield profits below their national industry average. It is increasingly apparent that having a diverse workforce and varied leadership isn’t just a moral decision – it’s good business sense too. We want to see our diverse society reflected in the places we work and the companies we run. So, how do we get more women involved in traditionally male-dominated areas, like tech and digital? This talk will give you 5 tips to make your business or event more attractive to women.

Lorna used to be a scientist, but is now an engineer. In her spare time, she chairs Women in STEM Plymouth, a local network formed with the primary purpose of helping to tackle the gender gap within science, technology, engineering and maths in the Plymouth travel-to-work-area. When not doing any of the above, Lorna can be found enjoying the outdoors with her husband and corgi, or indulging her love of film with a Star Wars marathon.

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Next Event: Meetup 6th March 2025

Thursday 6th March
6 - 9pm